Package : axis > RPM : axis-1.4-29.mga5.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name axis
Version 0:1.4
Release 29.mga5
Group Development/Java
Summary SOAP implementation in Java
Size 11MB
Arch noarch
License ASL 2.0


Apache AXIS is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol")
submission to W3C.

From the draft W3C specification:

SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized,
distributed environment. It is an XML based protocol that consists of three
parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message
and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of
application-defined datatypes, and a convention for representing remote
procedure calls and responses.

This project is a follow-on to the Apache SOAP project.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 5
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM axis-1.4-29.mga5.src.rpm
Build time 2014-12-26 18:23:31
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