Package : chbg > RPM : chbg-2.0.1-20.mga4.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name chbg
Version 2.0.1
Release 20.mga4
Group Graphics/Utilities
Summary Desktop background manager/changer/screensaver
Size 844KB
Arch i586
License GPLv2+


ChBg is for changing desktop backgrounds in a given period. It can
render images with 10 modes (such as tiled, centered, scaled, etc.). It
uses gdk_pixbuf-2.0 for loading images, so it supports
many image formats.
ChBg has a windowed setup program, is able to load setup files,
can be used as slideshow picture previewer in its own window or as a
desktop background, and can be used as screensaver or as an xscreensaver
hack. It has a dialog for fast previewing of pictures and very usable
thumbnail previews.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 4
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM chbg-2.0.1-20.mga4.src.rpm
Build time 2013-10-19 05:05:51
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