Package : ruby > RPM : ruby-1.9.3.p550-1.mga3.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name ruby
Version 1.9.3.p550
Release 1.mga3
Group Development/Ruby
Summary Object Oriented Script Language
Size 8,814KB
Arch i586
License Ruby or BSD


Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and
easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to
process text files and to do system management tasks (as in
Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 3
Media name core-updates
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM ruby-1.9.3.p550-1.mga3.src.rpm
Build time 2014-10-28 04:42:02
Changelog View in Sophie
Files View in Sophie
Dependencies View in Sophie