Package : kdegames4 > RPM : kdegames4-4.10.5-1.mga3.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name kdegames4
Version 2:4.10.5
Release 1.mga3
Group Graphical desktop/KDE
Summary KDE Games
Size 0B
Arch noarch
License GPLv2


Games for the K Desktop Environment.
This is a compilation of various games for KDE project
- katomic: build complex atoms with a minimal amount of moves
- knavalbattle: battleship game with built-in game server
- kblackbox: find atoms in a grid by shooting electrons
- kbounce: claim areas and don't get disturbed
- klines: place 5 equal pieces together, but wait, there are 3 new ones
- mahjongg: a tile laying patience
- kmines: the classical mine sweeper
- kolf: a golf game
- konquest: conquer the planets of your enemy
- kpat: several patience card games
- kreversi: the old reversi board game, also known as othello
- kshisen: patience game where you take away all pieces
- kspaceduel: two player game with shooting spaceships flying around a sun
- ktuberling: kids game: make your own potato (NO french fries!)
- kfourinline: place 4 pieces in a row
- Lskat: lieutnant skat
- Ksudoku: Play, create and solve sudoku grids
- KGoldrunner: a game of action and puzzle solving.
- KTuberling: "potato editor" game
- Kiriki: Close of Yahtzee
- Kjumpingcube: a tactical game for number-crunchers
- Bovo: classic pen and paper game
- KSquares: an implementation of the popular paper based game squares
- Knetwalk: Turn the board pieces to get all computers connected

This package acts as a wrapper to install kdegames modules.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 3
Media name core-updates
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM task-kde4-4.10.5-1.mga3.src.rpm
Build time 2013-08-17 01:48:16
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