Package : php-pear-PHP_LexerGenerator > RPM : php-pear-PHP_LexerGenerator-0.4.0-2.mga2.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name php-pear-PHP_LexerGenerator
Version 0.4.0
Release 2.mga2
Group Development/PHP
Summary translate lexer files in lex2php format into a PHP 5 lexer
Size 726KB
Arch noarch
License New BSD License


Translate a lexer file with a format similar to re2c (
into a PHP 5 lexer for use with a parser.

Unlike re2c (as of re2c version 0.11), generated lexers are state-aware
out of the box.

Generated lexers are very efficient, more than twice as efficient as
alternatives like csLex (written in C#) because they utilize PHP's
built-in Perl-compatible regular expressions to lex for tokens.

Now in version 0.3.0+, with processing instruction %longestmatch,
lexers will always pick the longest string to match, rather than the
Generated lexers are slightly slower, but match behavior of legacy lexers
flex, lex, re2c.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 2
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM php-pear-PHP_LexerGenerator-0.4.0-2.mga2.src.rpm
Build time 2012-01-21 19:56:23
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