Package : php-pear-HTTP_Request2 > RPM : php-pear-HTTP_Request2-2.0.0-3.mga2.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name php-pear-HTTP_Request2
Version 2.0.0
Release 3.mga2
Group Development/PHP
Summary Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests
Size 426KB
Arch noarch
License BSD License


PHP5 rewrite of HTTP_Request package (with parts of HTTP_Client). Provides
cleaner API and pluggable Adapters:
* Socket adapter, based on old HTTP_Request code,
* Curl adapter, wraps around PHP's cURL extension,
* Mock adapter, to use for testing packages dependent on HTTP_Request2.
Supports POST requests with data and file uploads, basic and digest
authentication, cookies, managing cookies across requests, proxies, gzip
deflate encodings, redirects, monitoring the request progress with

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 2
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM php-pear-HTTP_Request2-2.0.0-3.mga2.src.rpm
Build time 2012-01-15 01:07:14
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