Package : x11-driver-input-vmmouse > RPM : x11-driver-input-vmmouse-12.7.0-2.mga1.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name x11-driver-input-vmmouse
Version 12.7.0
Release 2.mga1
Group System/X11
Summary Xorg input driver for mice in VMware
Size 24KB
Arch i586
License MIT


The VMMouse driver enables support for the special VMMouse protocol
that is provided by VMware virtual machines to give absolute pointer

Installing the driver will improve the user experience when using the
mouse to interact with the guest operating system. In particular, use of
the driver improves mouse "lag", provides mouse speed and acceleration
consistent with the user's host operating system, and enables the
auto-grab/ungrab feature in VMware products without requiring the VMware
toolbox application.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 1
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM x11-driver-input-vmmouse-12.7.0-2.mga1.src.rpm
Build time 2011-03-04 23:59:44
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