Package : python3-curio > RPM : python3-curio-1.6-1.mga9.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name python3-curio
Version 1.6
Release 1.mga9
Group Development/Python
Summary Building blocks for performing concurrent I/O
Size 483KB
Arch noarch
License BSD


Curio is a library of building blocks for performing concurrent I/O and common
system programming tasks such as launching subprocesses, working with files,
and farming work out to thread and process pools. It uses Python coroutines
and the explicit async/await syntax introduced in Python 3.5. Its programming
model is based on cooperative multitasking and existing programming
abstractions such as threads, sockets, files, subprocesses, locks, and queues.
You'll find it to be small, fast, and fun. Curio has no third-party
dependencies and does not use the standard asyncio module. Most users will
probably find it to be a bit too-low level--it's probably best to think of it
as a library for building libraries. Although you might not use it directly,
many of its ideas have influenced other libraries with similar functionality.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 9
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM python-curio-1.6-1.mga9.src.rpm
Build time 2022-11-15 18:27:24
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