Package : perl-Catalyst-P-S-Store-FastMmap > RPM : perl-Catalyst-P-S-Store-FastMmap-0.160.0-10.mga9.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name perl-Catalyst-P-S-Store-FastMmap
Version 0.160.0
Release 10.mga9
Group Development/Perl
Summary FastMmap session storage backend
Size 16KB
Arch noarch
License Artistic/GPL


Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap is a fast session storage plugin for
Catalyst that uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess
cache. It is based on Cache::FastMmap.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 9
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM perl-Catalyst-P-S-Store-FastMmap-0.160.0-10.mga9.src.rpm
Build time 2022-03-20 03:57:51
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