Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
mingw-libxml2 MinGW Windows libxml2 XML processing library 2.12.6 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-libgcrypt MinGW Windows gcrypt encryption library 1.10.3 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-gtk3 MinGW Windows GTK+ library 3.24.41 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-gdb MinGW Windows port of the GDB debugger 14.2 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-gettext GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages 0.22.5 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-glib2 MinGW Windows GLib2 library 2.80.0 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-zlib MinGW Windows zlib compression library 1.3.1 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-zstd MinGW Windows zstd library 1.5.6 1.mga10 2024-05-06
glibmm2.4 C++ interface for glib 2.66.7 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-sqlite MinGW Windows port of sqlite embeddable SQL database engine 3.45.3 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-pcre2 MinGW Windows pcre2 library 10.43 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-pango MinGW Windows Pango library 1.52.2 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-pangomm MinGW Windows C++ interface for Pango 2.46.4 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-libxslt MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine 1.1.39 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-nsis Nullsoft Scriptable Install System 3.10 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-libffi A portable foreign function interface library for MinGW 3.4.6 1.mga10 2024-05-06
gtkmm3.0 C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk+ 3.24.9 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-gtkmm30 MinGW Windows C++ interface for the GTK+ library 3.24.9 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-glibmm24 MinGW Windows C++ interface for GTK2 (a GUI library for X) 2.66.7 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-adwaita-icon-theme Adwaita icon theme for MingGW 46.0 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-glib-networking MinGW Windows glib-networking library 2.80.0 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-fribidi MinGW Windows fribidi library 1.0.14 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-gdk-pixbuf MinGW Windows GDK Pixbuf library 2.42.11 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-fontconfig MinGW Windows Fontconfig library 2.15.0 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-expat MinGW Windows port of expat XML parser library 2.6.2 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-curl MinGW Windows port of curl and libcurl 8.5.0 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-atkmm MinGW Windows C++ interface for the ATK library 2.28.4 1.mga10 2024-05-06
mingw-freetype Free and portable font rendering engine 2.13.2 1.mga10 2024-05-06
fzf A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go 0.44.1 1.mga10 2024-05-06
qbs Qt6 Build System 2.3.0 1.mga10 2024-05-05
uriparser URI parsing library - RFC 3986 0.9.8 1.mga10 2024-05-05
fast_float fast_float number parsing library: 4x faster than strtod 6.1.1 1.mga10 2024-05-05
gimp The GNU Image Manipulation Program 2:2.10.38 1.mga10 2024-05-05
python-astropy Community-developed python astronomy tools 6.1.0 1.mga10 2024-05-05
entr Run arbitrary commands when files change 5.5 1.mga10 2024-05-05
proj A Cartographic projection software 9.4.0 1.mga10 2024-05-05
sundials Nonlinear, differential and algebraic equation solvers 7.0.0 3.mga10 2024-05-05
python-pyresample A Python package for geospatial resampling 1.28.3 1.mga10 2024-05-05
python-kiwisolver A Cassowary constraint solving algorithm 1.4.5 1.mga10 2024-05-05
qtox A powerful Tox client that follows the Tox design guidelines 1.17.6 3.mga10 2024-05-05
python-pykdtree A Python kd-tree nearest neighbour search 1.3.12 1.mga10 2024-05-05
python-cartopy A Python package designed to draw maps 0.23.0 1.mga10 2024-05-05
python-shapely A Python package for doing geometry in the Cartesian plane 2.0.4 1.mga10 2024-05-05
toxcore A cryptographic network library for instant messaging 0.2.19 1.mga10 2024-05-05
guvcview GTK+ UVC Viewer and Capturer 2.1.0 1.mga10 2024-05-05
tcpslice A tool to merge or split pcap files 1.7 1.mga10 2024-05-05
qremotecontrol Remote control your desktop from your mobile 2.4.1 6.mga10 2024-05-05
dnscrypt-proxy A protocol for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver 2.1.5 1.mga10 2024-05-05
tcpdump A network traffic monitoring tool 2:4.99.4 2.mga10 2024-05-05
python-bobyqa A flexible package for solving bound-constrained minimization 1.4.1 1.mga10 2024-05-05
351-400 of 16286.