Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
a2ps Converts text and other types of files to PostScript(TM) 4.14 12.2.mga3 2014-04-03
ruby-rack-ssl Rack middleware to force SSL/TLS 1.3.2 3.1.mga3 2014-04-02
indexhtml Mageia html welcome page 1:1 9.2.mga3 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework Leading open-source PHP framework 1.12.5 1.mga3 2014-04-01
xalan-j2 Java XSLT processor 0:2.7.1 5.1.mga3 2014-04-01
springframework Spring Java Application Framework 0:3.1.1 21.3.mga3 2014-03-31
perl-YAML-LibYAML An XS Wrapper Module of libyaml 0.380.0 3.2.mga3 2014-03-31
xonotic A free multi-player first person shooter 0.7.0 3.1.mga3 2014-03-31
iceape IceApe, the all-in-one internet application suite 0:2.25 1.mga3 2014-03-31
php-pear-PEAR_PackageFileManager PEAR_PackageFileManager takes an existing package.xml file and updates it with a new filelist and changelog 1.7.0 1.mga3 2014-03-30
tomcat Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 3.0/JSP 2.2 API 0:7.0.52 1.mga3 2014-03-29
stunnel Program that wraps normal socket connections with SSL/TLS 4.55 1.2.mga3 2014-03-29
mediawiki A wiki engine 1.22.5 1.mga3 2014-03-28
yaml YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C 0.1.6 1.mga3 2014-03-27
file A utility for determining file types 5.12 8.3.mga3 2014-03-27
curl Gets a file from a FTP, GOPHER or HTTP server 1:7.28.1 6.4.mga3 2014-03-26
php-pear-PhpDocumentor PEAR: The phpDocumentor package provides automatic documenting of php api directly from the source 1.4.4 2.4.mga3 2014-03-26
openssh OpenSSH free Secure Shell (SSH) implementation 6.1p1 4.2.mga3 2014-03-25
perltidy Script which indents and reformats Perl script 20121207.0.0 2.1.mga3 2014-03-25
python-imaging Python's own image processing library 1.1.7 7.1.mga3 2014-03-23
python3 An interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language 3.3.0 4.7.mga3 2014-03-22
nss Netscape Security Services 2:3.16.0 1.mga3 2014-03-19
php-timezonedb Timezone Database to be used with PHP's date and time functions 3:2014.1 1.mga3 2014-03-19
rootcerts Bundle of CA Root Certificates 1:20140318.00 1.mga3 2014-03-19
python An interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language 2.7.6 1.1.mga3 2014-03-18
firefox-l10n Localizations for Firefox (virtual package) 24.4.0 1.mga3 2014-03-18
firefox Next generation web browser 0:24.4.0 1.mga3 2014-03-18
nspr Netscape Portable Runtime 2:4.10.4 1.mga3 2014-03-18
thunderbird-l10n Localizations for Thunderbird (virtual package) 24.4.0 1.mga3 2014-03-18
thunderbird Full-featured email, RSS, and newsgroup client 0:24.4.0 1.mga3 2014-03-18
apache The most widely used Web server on the Internet 2.4.4 7.6.mga3 2014-03-18
flash-player-plugin Flash Player plugin for browsers 1.1.mga3.nonfree 2014-03-18
mutt Text mode mail user agent 1:1.5.21 10.1.mga3 2014-03-18
chromium-browser-stable A fast webkit-based web browser 33.0.1750.152 1.mga3.tainted 2014-03-16
chromium-browser-stable A fast webkit-based web browser 33.0.1750.152 1.mga3 2014-03-16
389-ds-base 389 Directory Server (base) 1.1.mga3 2014-03-14
php-apc The apc (Alternative PHP Cache) module for PHP 1:3.1.14 7.6.mga3 2014-03-14
php-gd-bundled GD extension module for PHP 5.4.26 1.mga3 2014-03-14
php The PHP5 scripting language 3:5.4.26 1.mga3 2014-03-13
webmin An SSL web-based administration interface for Unix systems 1.680 1.mga3 2014-03-13
moodle A course management system 2.4.9 1.mga3 2014-03-12
lighttpd A fast webserver with minimal memory-footprint 1.4.32 3.7.mga3 2014-03-12
samba Samba SMB server 3.6.15 1.4.mga3 2014-03-12
flash-player-plugin Flash Player plugin for browsers 1.mga3.nonfree 2014-03-11
imapsync IMAP synchronisation, sync, copy or migration tool 1.584 1.1.mga3 2014-03-10
udisks2 Disk Manager 2.0.1 2.1.mga3 2014-03-10
udisks Storage Management Service 1.0.4 10.1.mga3 2014-03-10
wireshark Network traffic analyzer 1.8.13 1.mga3 2014-03-08
chromium-browser-stable A fast webkit-based web browser 33.0.1750.146 1.mga3.tainted 2014-03-06
chromium-browser-stable A fast webkit-based web browser 33.0.1750.146 1.mga3 2014-03-06
451-500 of 1243.