Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
gnupg GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement 1.4.12 1.1.mga2 2013-01-02
tomcat6 Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 2.5/JSP 2.1 API 0:6.0.35 4.2.mga2 2012-12-31
fail2ban Ban IP-addresses that result in too many password failures 0.8.6 3.1.mga2 2012-12-31
cdp An interactive text-mode program for controlling audio CD-ROMs 0.33 22.1.mga2 2012-12-29
elinks Lynx-like text WWW browser 0:0.12 1.1.mga2 2012-12-29
virtualbox A general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware 4.1.24 1.mga2 2012-12-26
freetype2 A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine 2.4.9 1.1.mga2.tainted 2012-12-25
freetype2 A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine 2.4.9 1.1.mga2 2012-12-25
libproxy A library handling all the details of proxy configuration 0.4.11 1.mga2 2012-12-25
sane SANE - local and remote scanner access 1.0.22 7.1.mga2 2012-12-24
apache-mod_security Open Source Web Application Firewall 1:2.6.3 3.3.mga2 2012-12-23
zabbix Open-source monitoring solution for your IT infrastructure 1.8.15 2.mga2 2012-12-21
php-ZendFramework Leading open-source PHP framework 1.12.1 1.1.mga2 2012-12-21
ganglia Cluster Toolkit 3.1.7 7.2.mga2 2012-12-20
squid The Squid proxy caching server 3.1.19 3.1.19 4.1.mga2 2012-12-20
drupal Open source content management platform 0:7.18 1.mga2 2012-12-20
python-django A high-level Python Web framework 1.3.5 1.mga2 2012-12-19
opera Opera Web Browser for Linux 12.12 1.mga2.nonfree 2012-12-18
cups Common Unix Printing System - Server package 1.5.4 1.1.mga2 2012-12-16
bogofilter Fast anti-spam filtering by Bayesian statistical analysis 1.2.2 2.2.mga2 2012-12-14
ldetect Light hardware detection tool 5.mga2 2012-12-12
flash-player-plugin Flash Player plugin for browsers 1.mga2.nonfree 2012-12-11
dokuwiki A wiki with plain text files backend 20121013 1.mga2 2012-12-11
nagios Host/service/network monitoring program 1:3.3.1 2.1.mga2 2012-12-10
cups Common Unix Printing System - Server package 1.5.4 1.mga2 2012-12-08
ruby-rmagick Ruby binding to ImageMagick 2.13.1 5.1.mga2 2012-12-07
clamtk Easy to use front-end for ClamAV 4.43 1.mga2 2012-12-07
gimp The GNU Image Manipulation Program 1:2.8.2 1.2.mga2 2012-12-07
tor Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (The onion router) 2.1.mga2 2012-12-07
libtiff A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files 4.0.1 2.5.mga2 2012-12-07
bind A DNS (Domain Name System) server 9.9.2.P1 1.mga2 2012-12-05
libxfce4menu A freedesktop.org compliant menu library written for Xfce 4.6.2 2.2.mga2 2012-12-04
perl The Perl programming language 2:5.14.2 8.mga2 2012-12-03
iceape IceApe, the all-in-one internet application suite 0:2.14.1 1.mga2 2012-12-02
lynx Text based browser for the world wide web 2.8.7 4.1.mga2 2012-11-30
libxml2 Library providing XML and HTML support 2.7.8 14.20120229.4.mga2 2012-11-30
weechat Portable, fast, light and extensible IRC client 0.3.6 3.2.mga2 2012-11-30
mariadb A very fast and reliable SQL database engine 5.5.25 2.4.mga2 2012-11-29
zynaddsubfx Real-time MIDI software synthesizer 2.4.3 1.1.mga2 2012-11-29
perl-CGI Simple Common Gateway Interface class for Perl 1:3.630.0 1.mga2 2012-11-29
wireshark Network traffic analyzer 1.6.12 1.mga2 2012-11-29
awstats Advanced Web Statistics 7.0 1.1.mga2 2012-11-28
c-icap An ICAP server coded in C 4:0.1.7 3.1.mga2 2012-11-28
libssh C library to authenticate in a simple manner to one or more SSH servers 1:0.5.2 1.1.mga2 2012-11-26
lighttpd A fast webserver with minimal memory-footprint 1.4.30 5.1.mga2 2012-11-26
rpm-mageia-setup The Mageia rpm configuration and scripts 1.147 8.2.mga2 2012-11-26
php-eaccelerator PHP accelerator optimizer 2: 10.5.mga2 2012-11-24
php-pdo_firebird Firebird/InterBase driver for PDO 0:5.3.19 1.mga2 2012-11-24
php-firebird Firebird database module for PHP 3:5.3.19 1.mga2 2012-11-24
php-timezonedb Timezone Database to be used with PHP's date and time functions 3:2012.10 1.mga2 2012-11-24
501-550 of 1153.