Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
open-iscsi An implementation of RFC3720 iSCSI 2.0 871.4.1.mga2 2012-08-14
kdepim4 K Desktop Environment 2:4.8.5 1.2.mga2 2012-08-14
prboom-plus Open source port of the DOOM game engine 1.3.mga2 2012-08-13
denyhosts A script to help thwart ssh server attacks 2.6 2.2.mga2 2012-08-12
cairo-dock-plugins Plugins for cairo-dock 2.4.0_2 3.1.mga2 2012-08-12
python-django A high-level Python Web framework 1.3.3 2.mga2 2012-08-12
me-tv GNOME desktop application for watching digital television 1.3.6 4.1.mga2 2012-08-12
psi Jabber client using Qt4 0.14 9.1.mga2 2012-08-11
qca2 Straightforward and cross-platform crypto API for Qt 2.0.3 2.1.mga2 2012-08-11
deja-dup Simple backup tool and front-end for duplicity 22.1 1.mga2 2012-08-10
acpid ACPI kernel daemon and control utility 2:2.0.14 4.1.mga2 2012-08-10
arora Cross Platform WebKit Browser 0.11.0 5.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kdeadmin4 K Desktop Environment - Administrative Tools 2:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kdf View free disk space 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kfloppy Format floppy disks 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kgpg Control your GPG keys 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kde-l10n Internationalization support for KDE 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
printer-applet KDE System tray icon for managing print jobs 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
sweeper KDE System Cleaner 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kcalc KDE Calculator 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
ark Program for managing various archive formats within the KDE environment 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kcharselect Select special characters from any font 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kwallet KDE Wallet Management Tool 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
filelight Graphical disk usage statistics 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
ktimer KDE countdown launcher 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kremotecontrol KDE Frontend for the LIRC Suite 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kmouth A type-and-say front end for speech synthesizers 2:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
superkaramba Put Karamba applets to the desktop with Python 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kmousetool Automatic Mouse Click 2:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kmag Screen magnifier for KDE 4 2:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kimono C# Mono KDE 4 bindings 1:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
jovie Subsystem within the KDE desktop for conversion of text to audible speech 2:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
perl-kde4 Kde4 bindings for perl language 1:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kaccessible Accessibility services like focus reading and a screenreader for kde 2:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
korundum KDE bindings for Ruby 1:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kdeplasma-addons kdeplasma is a compilation of plasma items ( runners, applets, plasmoids ) for kde4 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kdegraphics-mobipocket A collection of plugins to handle mobipocket files 2:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kdesdk4 K Desktop Environment - Software Development Kit 1:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kbruch Practice calculating with fractions 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
rocs Graph - Editor and a Programming Environement 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kdegames4 KDE - Games 1:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
parley KDE Vocabulary training application 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kalgebra MathML-based graph calculator 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
step Interactive physical simulator 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
cantor KDE Interface for doing Mathematics and Scientific Computing 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kwordquiz A general purpose flash card program 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kturtle An educational programming environment 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
smokekde KDE4 bindings for SMOKE 1:4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
ktouch A program for learning touch typing 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
kstars A Desktop Planetarium 4.8.5 1.1.mga2 2012-08-10
801-850 of 1153.