Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
ruby-activemodel Implements the ActiveRecord pattern for ORM 4.0.3 1.mga4 2014-04-01
ruby-activemodel-doc Documentation for ruby-activemodel 4.0.3 1.mga4 2014-04-01
ruby-actionmailer Service layer for easy email delivery and testing 4.0.3 1.mga4 2014-04-01
ruby-actionmailer-doc Documentation for ruby-actionmailer 4.0.3 1.mga4 2014-04-01
cups-filters OpenPrinting CUPS filters and backends 1.0.41 3.2.mga4 2014-04-01
lib64cups-filters-devel OpenPrinting CUPS filters and backends - development environment 1.0.41 3.2.mga4 2014-04-01
lib64cups-filters1 OpenPrinting CUPS filters and backends - cupsfilters and fontembed libraries 1.0.41 3.2.mga4 2014-04-01
xalan-j2 Java XSLT processor 0:2.7.1 6.1.mga4 2014-04-01
xalan-j2-demo Demo for xalan-j2 0:2.7.1 6.1.mga4 2014-04-01
xalan-j2-javadoc Javadoc for xalan-j2 0:2.7.1 6.1.mga4 2014-04-01
xalan-j2-manual Manual for xalan-j2 0:2.7.1 6.1.mga4 2014-04-01
xalan-j2-xsltc XSLT compiler 0:2.7.1 6.1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework Leading open-source PHP framework 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-Cache-Backend-Apc Zend Framework APC cache backend 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-Cache-Backend-Memcached Zend Framework memcache cache backend 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-Captcha Zend Framework CAPTCHA component 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-Dojo Zend Framework Dojo Toolkit integration component 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-Feed Live syndication feeds helper 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-Gdata Google Data APIs 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-Pdf PDF file handling helper 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-Search-Lucene Apache Lucene engine PHP port 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-Services Web service APIs for a number of providers 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-demos Demos for the Zend Framework 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-extras Zend Framework Extras (ZendX) 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
php-ZendFramework-tests Unit tests for the Zend Framework 1.12.5 1.mga4 2014-04-01
springframework Spring Java Application Framework 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-aop Spring Aspect Oriented Framework 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-beans Spring Bean Factory 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-context Spring Application Context 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-context-support Spring Context Support 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-expression Spring Expression Language (SpEL) 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-instrument Spring Instrumentation 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-instrument-tomcat Spring Instrument Tomcat Weaver 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-javadoc Javadoc for springframework 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-jdbc Spring JDBC 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-jms Spring jms 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-orm Spring ORM 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-oxm Spring OXM 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-struts Spring Web Struts 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-test Spring test context framework 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-tx Spring Transaction Management 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-web Spring Web 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-webmvc Spring Web Servlet 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
springframework-webmvc-portlet Spring Web Portlet 0:3.1.4 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
php-pear-PhpDocumentor PEAR: The phpDocumentor package provides automatic documenting of php api directly from the source 1.4.4 3.1.mga4 2014-03-31
assaultcube AssaultCube is a total conversion of Wouter van Oortmerssen's FPS called Cube 1.mga4 2014-03-31
perl-YAML-LibYAML An XS Wrapper Module of libyaml 0.410.0 2.2.mga4 2014-03-31
iceape IceApe, the all-in-one internet application suite 0:2.25 1.mga4 2014-03-31
tomcat-admin-webapps The host-manager and manager web applications for Apache Tomcat 0:7.0.52 1.mga4 2014-03-29
tomcat-docs-webapp The docs web application for Apache Tomcat 0:7.0.52 1.mga4 2014-03-29
11101-11150 of 12583.