Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
libxcb-xtest0 X protocol C-language Binding Library (xtest extension) 1.8.1 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxcb-xv0 X protocol C-language Binding Library (xv extension) 1.8.1 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxcb-xvmc0 X protocol C-language Binding Library (xvmc extension) 1.8.1 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxscrnsaver1 The XScrnSaver Library 1.2.2 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxtst6 The Xtst Library 1.2.1 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxxf86vm1 Shared libraries for libxxf86vm 1.1.2 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxinerama1 The Xinerama Library 1.1.2 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxdmcp6 Shared library of libxdmcp 1.1.1 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxdmcp6-devel Development files for libxdmcp 1.1.1 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxcursor1 X Cursor Library 1.1.13 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxau6 X authorization file management library 1.0.7 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxau6-devel Development files for libxau 1.0.7 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxext6 X11 miscellaneous extension library 1:1.3.1 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxrender1 X Render Library 0.9.7 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxft2 X FreeType library 2.3.0 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libxxf86dga1 XFree86 Direct Graphics Access Extension Library 1.1.3 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libsoprano4 Library for soprano 4:2.7.5 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libsopranoclient1 Library for soprano 4:2.7.5 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libsopranoserver1 Library for soprano 4:2.7.5 1.mga2 2012-03-09
soprano-plugin-common Common parsers and serializers 4:2.7.5 1.mga2 2012-03-09
soprano-plugin-redland redland soprano plugin 4:2.7.5 1.mga2 2012-03-09
soprano-plugin-virtuoso Virtuoso soprano plugin 4:2.7.5 1.mga2 2012-03-09
soprano Library which provides a nice QT interface to RDF 4:2.7.5 1.mga2 2012-03-09
libx264_120 Shared library of x264 0.120 0.20120306.stable.1.mga2.tainted 2012-03-07
libx264-devel H264/AVC encoding library headers 0.120 0.20120306.stable.1.mga2.tainted 2012-03-07
libraw1394_11 FireWire interface shared library 2.0.8 1.mga2 2012-03-07
gnupg GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement 1.4.12 1.mga2 2012-03-07
fuse Interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the kernel 0:2.8.7 1.mga2 2012-03-06
libfuse2 Libraries for fuse 0:2.8.7 1.mga2 2012-03-06
sshfs-fuse Filesystem running over SFTP 0:2.3 1.mga2 2012-03-06
kpartx Partition device manager for device-mapper devices 0.4.9 1.mga2 2012-03-06
liblvm2app2.2 LVM2 application api library 2.02.95 1.mga2 2012-03-06
lvm2 Logical Volume Manager administration tools 2.02.95 1.mga2 2012-03-06
perl-CPANPLUS API & CLI access to the CPAN mirrors 0.912.0 1.mga2 2012-03-06
perl-IO-Socket-SSL Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET 1.580.0 1.mga2 2012-03-06
perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta Parse META.yml and other similar CPAN metadata files 1.440.200 1.mga2 2012-03-06
perl-version Perl extension for Version Objects 1:0.960.0 1.mga2 2012-03-06
perl-Version-Requirements A set of version requirements for a CPAN dist 0.101.22 1.mga2 2012-03-06
perl-Module-Metadata Gather package and POD information from perl module files 1.0.9 1.mga2 2012-03-06
perl-IPC-Cmd Finding and running system commands made easy 0.760.0 1.mga2 2012-03-06
perl-Digest-SHA Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512 5.710.0 1.mga2 2012-03-06
perl-CPAN-Meta Validate CPAN distribution metadata structures 2.120.630 1.mga2 2012-03-06
perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder Compile and link C code for Perl modules 0.280.205 1.mga2 2012-03-06
perl-Archive-Tar Module for manipulation of tar archives 1.840.0 1.mga2 2012-03-05
libice6 X Inter Client Exchange Library 1.0.8 1.mga2 2012-03-05
libice-devel Development files for libice 1.0.8 1.mga2 2012-03-05
libsm6 X Session Management Library 1.2.1 1.mga2 2012-03-05
libsm-devel Development files for libsm 1.2.1 1.mga2 2012-03-05
libpciaccess0 Generic PCI access library (from X.org) 0.13 1.mga2 2012-03-05
libpciaccess-devel Development headers and libraries for libpciaccess 0.13 1.mga2 2012-03-05
9351-9400 of 9716.