Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
xlogical XLogical - A puzzle game 1.0_8 18.mga9 2022-11-10
csmash A 3D table tennis game 0.6.6 29.mga9 2022-11-08
brainparty Set of 36 minigames to train your brain in an entertaining way 0.61 10.mga9 2022-11-07
berusky Advanced sokoban clone with nice graphics 1.7.2 3.mga9 2022-11-07
gnome-tetravex GNOME Tetravex game 3.38.2 3.mga9 2022-11-07
bitfighter Free multi-player 2D space combat game with dual-axes controls 022 4.mga9 2022-10-29
0ad-data Cross-Platform RTS Game of Ancient Warfare 1:0.0.26 1.mga9 2022-10-21
black-hole-solver The Black Hole Solitaire Solver Executable 1.12.0 1.mga9 2022-10-11
lgeneral A Panzer General clone 1.4.4 1.mga9 2022-10-04
colorized-logs tools for logs with ANSI color 2.6 1.mga9 2022-09-11
pioneers Playable implementation of the Settlers of Catan 15.6 1.mga9 2022-09-10
gnome-taquin GNOME Taquin game 3.38.1 3.mga9 2022-08-14
frozen-bubble Frozen Bubble arcade game 2.212.0 39.mga9 2022-08-04
caveexpress Classic 2D platformer with physics-based gameplay and dozens of levels 2.5.2 1.mga9 2022-07-28
holotz-castle A platform game with high doses of mistery 1.3.14 7.mga9 2022-07-20
briquolo An OpenGL breakout game 0.5.7 16.mga9 2022-07-20
bsd-games Collection of text-based games 2.17 33.mga9 2022-07-19
bloboats Boat racing game 1.0.2 12.mga9 2022-07-19
openyahtzee Open-source version of the classic dice game Yahtzee 1.9.3 17.mga9 2022-07-15
freedink-dfarc Frontend and .dmod installer for GNU FreeDink 3.14 14.mga9 2022-07-15
asc Advanced Strategic Command - Turn-based strategy game 5.mga9 2022-07-15
openclonk An action-packed game of strategy, tactics, and skill featuring Clonks 8.1 10.mga9 2022-06-07
keeperrl Dungeon simulator game with roguelike elements 4.mga9 2022-04-18
torcs-data-nonfree Data files for torcs which are not free to reuse 1.3.4 9.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-16
soltys-es Soltys - Adventure Game 1.0 4.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
soltys-pl Soltys - Adventure Game 1.0 4.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
soltys-en Soltys - Adventure Game 1.0 4.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
lure-it Lure of the Temptress - Adventure game in Italian 1.1 10.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
lure-fr Lure of the Temptress - Jeu d'aventure en français 1.1 10.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
lure-es Lure of the Temptress - Adventure game in Spanish 1.1 10.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
lure-de Lure of the Temptress - Adventure game in German 1.1 10.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
lure Lure of the Temptress - Adventure Game 1.1 10.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
flight-of-the-amazon-queen A adventure game using scummvm 1 10.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
drascula Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back - 1996 Adventure Game 1.0 11.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
atomiks A remake of the classic Atomix game for modern platforms 5.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
beneath-a-steel-sky An adventure game using ScummVM 1.3 4.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
angband-data-sounds Nonfree (CC-BY-NC-SA) sound effects for Angband 4.1.3 3.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
7kaa-music Game music files for Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries 2.15 2.mga9.nonfree 2022-04-15
xboard An X Window System graphical chessboard 4.9.1 7.mga9.tainted 2022-04-15
fairymax A XBoard compatible chess and chess-variant engine 4.8 10.mga9.tainted 2022-04-14
arx-libertatis Cross-platform port of the GPL'ed Arx Fatalis game by Arkane Studios 1.2.1 1.mga9 2022-04-13
openttd-opensfx OpenSFX sound replacement set for OpenTTD 1.0.3 2.mga9 2022-04-07
openttd-opengfx OpenGFX graphics replacement set for OpenTTD 7.1 2.mga9 2022-04-07
rolisteam A program to manage a tabletop role-playing game with remote players 1.9.3 3.mga9 2022-04-06
grhino An Othello/Reversi chess with strong AI 0.16.1 11.mga9 2022-04-06
sumwars Summoning Wars Role-Playing Game 0.5.8 21.mga9 2022-04-05
megaglest A free 3D real time strategy game in a fantasy setting 3.13.0 16.mga9 2022-04-04
valyriatear Valyria Tear is a free 2D J-RPG based on the Hero of Allacrost engine 1.1.0 6.mga9 2022-04-04
tbe The Butterfly Effect is a physics-based puzzle game 7.mga9 2022-04-04
jag Arcade and puzzle 2D game in which you have to break all the target pieces 0.3.8 3.mga9 2022-04-04
201-250 of 388.