Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
perl-Color-RGB-Util Utilities related to RGB colors 0.607.0 1.mga10 2023-12-15
pavucontrol Volume control for PulseAudio sound server for Linux 5.0 3.mga10 2023-12-14
android-file-transfer Reliable Android MTP client with minimalist UI 4.3 2.mga10 2023-12-14
gstreamer1.0-svt-av1 GStreamer 1.0 svt-av1-based plug-in 1.8.0 1.mga10 2023-12-14
lib64svt-av1-devel Development files for SVT-AV1 1.8.0 1.mga10 2023-12-14
lib64svtav1dec0 SVT-AV1 Decoder libraries 1.8.0 1.mga10 2023-12-14
lib64svtav1enc1 SVT-AV1 Encoder libraries 1.8.0 1.mga10 2023-12-14
mawk An interpreter for the awk programming language 1.3.4 0.20231126.1.mga10 2023-12-14
kio-fuse FUSE Interface for KIO 5.1.0 1.mga10 2023-12-14
lib64plasma-wayland-protocols-devel Development files for plasma-wayland-protocols 1.12.0 1.mga10 2023-12-14
lib64cpprest-devel Development package for cpprest 2.10.19 1.mga10 2023-12-14
lib64cpprest2.10 C++ Rest library 2.10.19 1.mga10 2023-12-14
iurt Packages rebuilder 0.9.0 1.mga10 2023-12-13
perl-PDF-Builder Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files 3.26.0 1.mga10 2023-12-12
perl-Error-Helper Provides some easy error related methods 2.1.0 1.mga10 2023-12-12
perl-Code-TidyAll All-in-one tidier and validator 0.840.0 1.mga10 2023-12-12
godot Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine with a feature-rich editor 4.2.1 1.mga10 2023-12-12
godot-runner Shared binary to play games and run servers developed with the Godot engine 4.2.1 1.mga10 2023-12-12
bloaty A size profiler for binaries 1.1 13.mga10 2023-12-11
audiofile Library to handle various audio file formats 0.3.6 14.mga10 2023-12-11
lib64audiofile-devel Includes and other files to develop audiofile applications 0.3.6 14.mga10 2023-12-11
lib64audiofile1 Main library for audiofile 0.3.6 14.mga10 2023-12-11
lib64nftables-devel Development package for nftables 1.0.6 4.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64nftables1 Netfilter Tables userspace utilities 1.0.6 4.mga10 2023-12-10
nftables Netfilter Tables userspace utilities 1.0.6 4.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64peas-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for libpeas 1.36.0 2.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64peas-gtk-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for libpeas-gtk 1.36.0 2.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64peas-gtk1.0_0 Library plugin handling UI part 1.36.0 2.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64peas1.0-devel Development files for libpeas 1.36.0 2.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64peas1.0_0 Library plugin handling 1.36.0 2.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64peas1.0_0-loader-python3 Loader library for libpeas plugins written in Python 3 1.36.0 2.mga10 2023-12-10
libpeas-data Library for plugin handling - data files 1.36.0 2.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64gitg-devel Development files for gitg 44 3.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64gitg-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for gitg 44 3.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64gitg1.0_0 Backend Library for gitg 44 3.mga10 2023-12-10
etckeeper Store /etc in a SCM system (git, mercurial, brz or darcs) 1.18.20 3.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64rarian-devel Rarian cataloging system - development files 0.8.5 1.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64rarian0 Rarian cataloging system library 0.8.5 1.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64raptor2-devel Header files and static libraries from raptor2 2.0.16 1.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64raptor2_0 Dynamic libraries from raptor2 2.0.16 1.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64rubberband-devel Development files for rubberband 3.3.0 1.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64rubberband2 Audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library 3.3.0 1.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64pkcs11-helper-devel Header files and static libraries from pkcs11-helper 1.30.0 1.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64pkcs11-helper1 Dynamic libraries from pkcs11-helper 1.30.0 1.mga10 2023-12-10
lib64voikko-devel Headers and static library for libvoikko development 4.3.2 2.mga10 2023-12-09
lib64voikko1 Shared library of libvoikko 4.3.2 2.mga10 2023-12-09
lib64netpbm-devel Development tools for programs which will use the netpbm libraries 11.02.00 2.mga10 2023-12-09
lib64netpbm11 A library for handling different graphics file formats 11.02.00 2.mga10 2023-12-09
netpbm Tools for manipulating graphics files in netpbm supported formats 11.02.00 2.mga10 2023-12-09
perl-DBD-mysql MySQL-Perl bindings 4.52.0 1.mga10 2023-12-09
901-950 of 30395.