Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
php-opcache Zend OPcache for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-openssl OpenSSL extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-pdo PHP Data Objects Interface 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-pdo_dblib Sybase Interface driver for PDO 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-pcntl Process Control extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-pdo_firebird Firebird/InterBase driver for PDO 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-pdo_mysql MySQL Interface driver for PDO 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-pdo_odbc ODBC v3 Interface driver for PDO 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-pdo_pgsql PostgreSQL interface driver for PDO 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-pdo_sqlite SQLite v3 Interface driver for PDO 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-pgsql PostgreSQL database module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-phar Allows running of complete applications out of .phar files 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-session Session extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-shmop Shared Memory Operations extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-posix POSIX extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-readline Readline extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-snmp NET-SNMP extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-soap Soap extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-sockets Sockets extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-sodium Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-sqlite3 SQLite database bindings for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-sysvmsg SysV msg extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-sysvsem SysV sem extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-sysvshm SysV shm extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-tidy Tidy HTML Repairing and Parsing for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-tokenizer Tokenizer extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-xmlreader Xmlreader extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-xmlwriter Provides fast, non-cached, forward-only means to write XML data 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-xsl Xsl extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-zip A zip management extension for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
php-zlib Zlib extension module for PHP 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
phpdbg The interactive PHP debugger 3:8.2.10 1.mga9 2023-08-31
kodi-firewalld-services Firewall services for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi-python Common Python scripts for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi-python-bt Bluetooth Python scripts for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi-python-xbmcclient XBMCClient Python scripts for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi-python-zeroconf Zeroconf Python scripts for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi-addon-devel Development files for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi Kodi - media player and home entertainment system 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi-eventclient-kodi-send PS3 eventclient for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi-eventclient-ps3 PS3 eventclients for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi-eventclient-wiiremote Wii Remote eventclient for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi-eventclients-common Common files for Kodi eventclients 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi-texturepacker Zeroconf Python scripts for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9.tainted 2023-08-31
kodi-firewalld-services Firewall services for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9 2023-08-31
kodi-python Common Python scripts for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9 2023-08-31
kodi-python-bt Bluetooth Python scripts for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9 2023-08-31
kodi-python-xbmcclient XBMCClient Python scripts for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9 2023-08-31
kodi-python-zeroconf Zeroconf Python scripts for Kodi 20.2 1.mga9 2023-08-31
kodi Kodi - media player and home entertainment system 20.2 1.mga9 2023-08-31
6501-6550 of 6579.