Updates awaiting your testing

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
ruby-net-ftp A pure Ruby implementation of the FTP client protocol 0.1.3 1.mga8 2022-07-29
ruby-net-ftp-doc Documentation for ruby-net-ftp 0.1.3 1.mga8 2022-07-29
ruby-net-sftp A pure Ruby implementation of the SFTP client protocol 3.0.0 1.mga8 2022-07-29
ruby-net-sftp-doc Documentation for ruby-net-sftp 3.0.0 1.mga8 2022-07-29
ruby-net-scp A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol 3.0.0 1.mga8 2022-07-29
ruby-net-scp-doc Documentation for ruby-net-scp 3.0.0 1.mga8 2022-07-29
ruby-net-ssh A pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol 6.1.0 1.mga8 2022-07-29
ruby-net-ssh-doc Documentation for ruby-net-ssh 6.1.0 1.mga8 2022-07-29
ruby-listen Ruby module to listen to file modifications 3.7.1 1.mga8 2022-07-29
ruby-listen-doc Documentation for ruby-listen 3.7.1 1.mga8 2022-07-29
perl-Mock-MonkeyPatch Monkey patching with test mocking in mind 1.20.0 2.mga8 2022-07-29
vagrant-share Share your Vagrant environment with anyone in the world 2.0.0 1.mga8 2022-07-29
vagrant-share-doc Documentation for vagrant-share 2.0.0 1.mga8 2022-07-29
lib64yajl-devel Development files for using yajl 2.1.0 4.mga8 2022-07-06 32072 (partial match, QA)
lib64yajl2 Yet Another JSON Library 2.1.0 4.mga8 2022-07-06 32072 (partial match, QA)
yajl Yet Another JSON Library 2.1.0 4.mga8 2022-07-06 32072 (partial match, QA)
lib64d3d-devel Development files for Mesa Direct3D9 state tracker 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64d3d1 Mesa Direct3D9 state tracker 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64dri-drivers Mesa DRI drivers 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64gbm-devel Development files for Mesa (gbm libs) 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64gbm1 Files for Mesa (gbm libs) 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64glapi-devel Development files for glapi libs 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64glapi0 Files for mesa (glapi libs) 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesaegl-devel Development files for Mesa (EGL libs) 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesaegl1 Files for Mesa (EGL libs) 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesagl-devel Development files for Mesa (OpenGL compatible 3D lib) 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesagl1 Files for Mesa (GL and GLX libs) 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesaglesv1-devel Development files for glesv1 libs 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesaglesv1_1 Files for Mesa (glesv1 libs) 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesaglesv2-devel Development files for glesv2 libs 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesaglesv2_2 Files for Mesa (glesv2 libs) 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesakhr-devel Mesa Khronos development headers 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesaopencl-devel Mesa OpenCL development package 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesaopencl1 Mesa OpenCL runtime library 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesavulkan-devel Mesa Vulkan development files for Intel and Radeon drivers 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64mesavulkan-drivers Mesa Vulkan driver for Intel and Radeon GPUs 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64openswr0 Mesa OpenSWR libs for AVX/AVX2/AVX512 based architectures 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64osmesa-devel Development files for libosmesa 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64osmesa8 Mesa offscreen rendering library 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64vdpau-driver-nouveau VDPAU plugin for nouveau driver 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64vdpau-driver-r300 VDPAU plugin for r300 driver 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64vdpau-driver-r600 VDPAU plugin for r600 driver 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64vdpau-driver-radeonsi VDPAU plugin for radeonsi driver 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64xatracker-devel Development files for XA libs 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
lib64xatracker2 Files for Mesa XA state tracker 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
mesa OpenGL 4.6 compatible 3D graphics library 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
mesa-common-devel Meta package for mesa devel 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
mesa-omx-drivers Mesa-based OMX drivers 21.3.9 1.mga8 2022-06-09 31687 (no QA)
deja-dup Simple backup tool and front-end for duplicity 42.9 1.mga8 2022-05-20 30455 (no QA)
golang-x-crypto-devel Go supplementary cryptography libraries 0 0.31.1.mga8 2022-05-15 30323 (no QA)
251-300 of 406.