Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
erlang-webtool Tool that simplifying the use of web based Erlang tools R16B02 2.2.mga4 2015-05-02
erlang-wx Graphic system for Erlang R16B02 2.2.mga4 2015-05-02
erlang-xmerl XML processing tools R16B02 2.2.mga4 2015-05-02
tkimg Image support library for Tk 1.4 2.1.mga4 2015-05-02
tkimg-devel Libraries, includes, etc. used to develop an application with tkimg 1.4 2.1.mga4 2015-05-02
glibc-doc GNU C library documentation 6:2.18 9.11.mga4 2015-05-02
glibc The GNU libc libraries 6:2.18 9.11.mga4 2015-05-02
glibc-i18ndata Database sources for 'locale' 6:2.18 9.11.mga4 2015-05-02
glibc-static-devel Static libraries for GNU C library 6:2.18 9.11.mga4 2015-05-02
glibc-utils Development utilities from GNU C library 6:2.18 9.11.mga4 2015-05-02
glibc-devel Header and object files for development using standard C libraries 6:2.18 9.11.mga4 2015-05-02
glibc-profile The GNU libc libraries, including support for gprof profiling 6:2.18 9.11.mga4 2015-05-02
nscd A Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd) 6:2.18 9.11.mga4 2015-05-02
squid The Squid proxy caching server 3.3.14 3.3.14 1.mga4 2015-05-01
squid-cachemgr The Squid Cache Manager 3.3.14 1.mga4 2015-05-01
tcl-tcllib Collection of utility modules for Tcl 1.16 1.mga4 2015-05-01
pdns-recursor Recursor for PowerDNS 3.6.3 1.mga4 2015-05-01
pdns Versatile Database Driven Nameserver 3.3.2 1.mga4 2015-05-01
pdns-backend-geo GEO backend for pdns 3.3.2 1.mga4 2015-05-01
pdns-backend-ldap LDAP backend for pdns 3.3.2 1.mga4 2015-05-01
pdns-backend-mysql MySQL backend for pdns 3.3.2 1.mga4 2015-05-01
pdns-backend-pgsql Generic PostgreSQL backend for pdns 3.3.2 1.mga4 2015-05-01
pdns-backend-pipe Pipe/coprocess backend for pdns 3.3.2 1.mga4 2015-05-01
pdns-backend-sqlite SQLite backend for pdns 3.3.2 1.mga4 2015-05-01
chromium-browser A fast webkit-based web browser (transition package) 1:42.0.2311.135 1.mga4 2015-05-01
chromium-browser-stable A fast webkit-based web browser 42.0.2311.135 1.mga4 2015-05-01
lib64net-snmp-devel The development environment for the NET-SNMP project 5.7.2 13.3.mga4 2015-04-30
lib64net-snmp-static-devel The static development libraries for the NET-SNMP project 5.7.2 13.3.mga4 2015-04-30
lib64net-snmp30 Libraries for Network management (SNMP), from the NET-SNMP project 5.7.2 13.3.mga4 2015-04-30
net-snmp A collection of SNMP protocol tools and libraries 5.7.2 13.3.mga4 2015-04-30
net-snmp-mibs MIBs for the NET-SNMP project 5.7.2 13.3.mga4 2015-04-30
net-snmp-tkmib MIB browser in TK 5.7.2 13.3.mga4 2015-04-30
net-snmp-trapd The trap collecting daemon for net-snmp 5.7.2 13.3.mga4 2015-04-30
net-snmp-utils Network management utilities using SNMP, from the NET-SNMP project 5.7.2 13.3.mga4 2015-04-30
perl-NetSNMP Perl utilities using SNMP, from the NET-SNMP project 5.7.2 13.3.mga4 2015-04-30
python-netsnmp Python utilities using SNMP, from the NET-SNMP project 5.7.2 13.3.mga4 2015-04-30
cget Web page downloader 1.2.103 2.2.mga4 2015-04-30
cherokee Extremely fast and flexible web server 1.2.103 2.2.mga4 2015-04-30
cherokee-devel Extremely fast and flexible web server - development files 1.2.103 2.2.mga4 2015-04-30
lib64cherokee-base0 Extremely fast and flexible web server - libraries 1.2.103 2.2.mga4 2015-04-30
lib64cherokee-client0 Extremely fast and flexible web server - libraries 1.2.103 2.2.mga4 2015-04-30
lib64cherokee-server0 Extremely fast and flexible web server - libraries 1.2.103 2.2.mga4 2015-04-30
directfb-doc DirectFB - documentation 1.7.0 2.1.mga4 2015-04-30
lib64directfb-devel Header files for compiling DirectFB applications 1.7.0 2.1.mga4 2015-04-30
lib64directfb1.7_0 Shared library part of DirectFB 1.7.0 2.1.mga4 2015-04-30
lib64tasn1-devel The ASN.1 development files 3.6 1.2.mga4 2015-04-30
lib64tasn1_6 The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS 3.6 1.2.mga4 2015-04-30
libtasn1-tools Command line ASN.1 tools 3.6 1.2.mga4 2015-04-30
ruby-doc Documentation for the powerful language Ruby 2.0.0.p645 1.mga4 2015-04-30
ruby-irb The Interactive Ruby 2.0.0.p645 1.mga4 2015-04-30
2201-2250 of 12583.