Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
lib64pulsecommon3.0 Common Library for PulseAudio 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
lib64pulsecore3.0 Core Library for PulseAudio 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
lib64pulseglib20 GLIB 2.x bindings for PulseAudio clients 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio Sound server for Linux 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio-client-config Client configuration for PulseAudio clients 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio-esound-compat PulseAudio EsounD daemon compatibility script 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio-module-bluetooth Bluetooth support for the PulseAudio sound server 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio-module-equalizer Equalizer support for the PulseAudio sound server 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio-module-gconf GConf support for the PulseAudio sound server 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio-module-jack JACK support for the PulseAudio sound server 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio-module-lirc LIRC support for the PulseAudio sound server 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio-module-x11 X11 support for the PulseAudio sound server 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio-module-xen Xen guest support for the PulseAudio sound server 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio-module-zeroconf Zeroconf support for the PulseAudio sound server 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
pulseaudio-utils PulseAudio sound server utilities 3.0 7.1.mga3 2014-11-01
apache-mod_php The PHP5 HTML-embedded scripting language for use with apache 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
lib64php5_common5 Shared library for PHP5 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-bcmath The bcmath module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-bz2 Bzip2 extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-cli PHP5 CLI interface 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-ctype Ctype extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-dba DBA extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-calendar Calendar extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-cgi PHP5 CGI interface 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-curl Curl extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-devel Development package for PHP5 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-doc Documentation for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-dom Dom extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-enchant Libenchant binder, support near all spelling tools 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-exif EXIF extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-fileinfo Fileinfo extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-filter Extension for safely dealing with input parameters 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-fpm PHP5 FastCGI Process Manager 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-ftp FTP extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-gd GD extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-gettext Gettext extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-gmp Gmp extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-hash HASH Message Digest Framework 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-iconv Iconv extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-imap IMAP extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-ini INI files for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-interbase Interbase/Firebird database module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-intl Internationalization extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-json JavaScript Object Notation 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-mbstring MBstring extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-ldap LDAP extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-mcrypt Mcrypt extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-mssql MS SQL extension module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-mysql MySQL database module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
php-mysqli MySQL database module for PHP 3:5.4.34 1.1.mga3 2014-10-31
351-400 of 9482.