Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
php-sqlite SQLite v2 database bindings for PHP 3:5.3.27 1.mga2 2013-07-12
php-sqlite3 SQLite database bindings for PHP 3:5.3.27 1.mga2 2013-07-12
php-sysvmsg SysV msg extension module for PHP 3:5.3.27 1.mga2 2013-07-12
php-sysvsem SysV sem extension module for PHP 3:5.3.27 1.mga2 2013-07-12
php-sysvshm SysV shm extension module for PHP 3:5.3.27 1.mga2 2013-07-12
php-tidy Tidy HTML Repairing and Parsing for PHP 3:5.3.27 1.mga2 2013-07-12
php-xmlrpc Xmlrpc extension module for PHP 3:5.3.27 1.mga2 2013-07-12
php-xsl Xsl extension module for PHP 3:5.3.27 1.mga2 2013-07-12
icedtea-web-javadoc API documentation for IcedTea-Web 1.3.2 1.1.mga2 2013-07-11
icedtea-web Additional Java components for OpenJDK 1.3.2 1.1.mga2 2013-07-11
squid The Squid proxy caching server 3.1.19 3.1.19 4.4.mga2 2013-07-11
squid-cachemgr The Squid Cache Manager 3.1.19 4.4.mga2 2013-07-11
java-1.6.0-openjdk OpenJDK Runtime Environment 0: 42.b24.1.mga2 2013-07-11
java-1.6.0-openjdk-demo OpenJDK Demos 0: 42.b24.1.mga2 2013-07-11
java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel OpenJDK Development Environment 0: 42.b24.1.mga2 2013-07-11
java-1.6.0-openjdk-javadoc OpenJDK API Documentation 0: 42.b24.1.mga2 2013-07-11
java-1.6.0-openjdk-src OpenJDK Source Bundle 0: 42.b24.1.mga2 2013-07-11
flash-player-plugin Flash Player plugin for browsers 1.mga2.nonfree 2013-07-09
flash-player-plugin-kde Flash Player KDE settings module 1.mga2.nonfree 2013-07-09
mgarepo Tools for Mageia repository access and management 1.10.5 1.mga2 2013-07-05
mgarepo-ldap Mgarepo plug-in to retrieve maintainer information from LDAP 1.10.5 1.mga2 2013-07-05
opera Opera Web Browser for Linux 12.16 1.mga2.nonfree 2013-07-04
apache-doc The apache Manual 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-source The apache source code, including patches shipped by Mageia 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache The most widely used Web server on the Internet 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-devel Module development tools for the apache web server 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-htcacheclean Clean up the disk cache (for apache-mod_disk_cache) 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_authn_dbd User authentication using an SQL database 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_dav Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_dbd Manages SQL database connections 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_cache Content cache keyed to URIs 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_deflate Compress content before it is delivered to the client 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_disk_cache Implements a disk based storage manager 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_file_cache Caches a static list of files in memory 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_ldap LDAP connection pooling and result caching DSO:s 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_mem_cache Implements a memory based storage manager 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_proxy HTTP/1.1 proxy/gateway server 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_proxy_ajp Provides support for the Apache JServ Protocol version 1.3 (AJP13) 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_proxy_scgi Provides support for the the SCGI protocol, version 1 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_reqtimeout Set timeout and minimum data rate for receiving requests 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_ssl Strong cryptography using the SSL and TLS protocols 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_suexec Allows CGI scripts to run as a specified user and Group 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mod_userdir User-specific directories 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mpm-event Implements a hybrid multi-threaded multi-process web server (experimental) 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mpm-itk Implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server (experimental) 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mpm-peruser Implements a hybrid multi-process, multi-threaded web server (experimental) 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mpm-prefork Implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server (stable) 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
apache-mpm-worker Implements a hybrid multi-threaded multi-process web server (experimental) 2.2.25 1.mga2 2013-07-04
kernel-vserver-doc Various documentation bits found in the kernel source 1:3.4.52 1.mga2 2013-07-04
kernel-vserver-source-3.4.52-1.mga2 The source code for kernel-vserver 1:1 1.mga2 2013-07-04
1351-1400 of 9559.