Package : ghostpcl

Package details

Summary: PostScript, PDF and XPS interpreter and renderer

GhostPCL is Artifex Software's implementation of the PCL-5(TM) and
PCL-XL(TM) family of page description languages. For more information
please see the documentation included with the source package.

GhostPDL is PCL technology; it is not intended to be a finished software
application but a collection of software components that will ultimately be
included in a software application or a real time embedded system. Generally
the GhostPDL languages are compliant with the Genoa (now QualityLogic)
Functional Test Suite and the Genoa Application Test suite. Also each
language should run the corresponding Genoa Comprehensive Evaluation Test
(CET) without egregious errors.

License: AGPLv3+

Maintainer: nobody

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