Package : perl-Object-Pad

Package details

Summary: Build-time support for extensions to C<Object::Pad>

This module provides a simple syntax for creating object classes, which
uses private variables that look like lexicals as object member fields.

While most of this module has evolved into a stable state in practice,
parts remain *experimental* because the design is still evolving, and many
features and ideas have yet to implemented. I don't yet guarantee I won't
have to change existing details in order to continue its development. Feel
free to try it out in experimental or newly-developed code, but don't
complain if a later version is incompatible with your current code and
you'll have to change it.

That all said, please do get in contact if you find the module overall
useful. The more feedback you provide in terms of what features you are
using, what you find works, and what doesn't, will help the ongoing
development and hopefully eventual stability of the design. See the the
/FEEDBACK manpage section.

Maintainer: tv

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-Object-Pad using the current filters, try other values.