Package : perl-Lingua-KO-Romanize-Hangul

Package details

Summary: Romanization of Korean language

Hangul is phonemic characters of the Korean language. This module follows
the 'Revised Romanization of Korean' which was released on July 7, 2000 as
the official romanization system in South Korea.

$conv = Lingua::KO::Romanize::Hangul->new();
This constructer methods returns a new object.

$roman = $conv->char( $hangul );
This method returns romanized letters of a Hangul character. It returns
undef when $hanji is not a valid Hangul character. The argument's
encoding must be UTF-8.

Maintainer: tv

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-Lingua-KO-Romanize-Hangul using the current filters, try other values.