Package : kgraphviewer

Package details

Summary: A GraphViz dot graph viewer for Plasma 5

KGraphViewer is a Graphviz DOT graph file viewer. Graphs are commonly
used in scientific domains and particularly in computer science.


o Zooming
o Threaded loading of several graphs in tabs
o Saving of the recent files list
o Manual reload of files
o Display of a bird-eye view of the graph
o Moving of the graph by dragging
o Full featured printing
o Perfect drawing of all graphviz example graphs
o Automatically choose dot for directed graphs and neato for undirected
o Possibility to use an arbitrary layout algo as soon as it produces
xdot format
o Automatic reloading with user confirmation of (externally) modified
files (configurable)
o Open new instances as new tabs in the old one (configurable)

License: GPLv2+

Maintainer: daviddavid

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