Package : perl-Connector

Package details

Summary: A generic connection to a hierarchical-structured data set

The Connector is generic connection to a data set, typically configuration
data in a hierarchical structure. Each connector object accepts the
get(KEY) method, which, when given a key, returns the associated value from
the connector's data source.

Typically, a connector acts as a proxy to a simple data source like YAML,
Config::Std, Config::Versioned, or to a more complex data source like an
LDAP server or Proc::SafeExec. The standard calling convention via get(KEY)
makes the connectors interchangeable.

In addition, a set of meta-connectors may be used to combine multiple
connectors into more complex chains. The Connector::Multi, for example,
allows for redirection to delegate connectors via symbolic links. If you
have a list of connectors and want to use them in a load-balancing,
round-robin fashion or have the list iterated until a value is found, use
Connector::List and choose the algorithm to perform.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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