Package : lib64zvbi0

Package details

Summary: Raw VBI, Teletext and Closed Caption decoding library

VBI stands for Vertical Blanking Interval, a gap between the image
data transmitted in an analog video signal. This gap is used to
transmit AM modulated data for various data services like Teletext and
Closed Caption.

The zvbi library provides routines to:
* read from raw VBI sampling devices (both V4L and V4L2 API are supported),
* a versatile raw vbi bit slicer,
* decoders for various data services and basic search,
* demodulate raw to sliced VBI data,
* interpret the data of several popular services.
* render and export functions for text pages.

The library is the vbi decoding backbone of the Zapping Gnome TV viewer
and Zapzilla Teletext browser.

License: GPL

Maintainer: nobody

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