Package : tritonus-aos

Package details

Summary: An add-on to the Java Sound API

An add-on to the Java Sound API.

The AudioOutputStream architecture allow writing of audio data to
audio files. Supported types are .wav, .aiff and .au. It is an
alternative to using AudioSystem.write(). The advantage over
AudioSystem.write() is that with the AudioOutputStream architecture,
you can code your own main loop writing to the audio file.
The AudioOutputStream architecture implements a 'push' approach for
audio data, while AudioSystem.write() works with a "pull" approach.
In many situations, a 'push' approach is more flexible.

For an example of using the AudioOutputStream architecture, see the
examples on Java Sound Resources. There is an examples
OscillatorFileAOS using the AudioOutputStream architecture.

License: LGPL

Maintainer: nobody

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