Package : simple-jndi

Package details

Summary: A JNDI implementation

Simple-JNDI is intended to solve two problems. The first is
that of finding a container independent way of opening a
database connection, the second is to find a good way of
specifying application configurations.
1. Unit tests or prototype code often need to emulate the
environment within which the code is expected to run.
A very common one is to get an object of type
javax.sql.DataSource from JNDI so a java.sql.Connection
to your database of choice may be opened.
2. Applications need configuration; a JNDI implementation
makes a handy location for configuration values. Either
as a globally available system, or via IoC through the
use of some kind of JNDI configuration facade (see gj-config).
A solution: simple implementation of JNDI. It is entirely
library based, so no server instances are started, and it
sits upon Java .properties files, XML files or Windows-style
.ini files, so it is easy to use and simple to understand.
The files may be either on the file system or in the classpath.

License: BSD

Maintainer: neoclust

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