Package : perl-Goose

Package details

Summary: Bend subroutines to your will, or easily create classes

the Goose manpage is basically just a fork of the Sub::Mage manpage. I
created Sub::Mage in a moment of insanity, and, unfortunately the method
names and pod reflects that, plus it was not managed well. What this module
attempts to do is make a developers life easier by allowing them to manage
and manipulate subroutines and modules. You can override a subroutine, then
restore it as it was originally, create after, before and around hook
modifiers, delete subroutines, or even tag every subroutine in a class to
let you know when each one is being run, which is great for debugging. On
top of all this Goose offers some minor OOP framework utilities like
'extends', 'accessor' and 'chainable'. Of course if you need more I would
advise the Moose manpage or the Mouse manpage.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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