Package : perl-Getopt-Mixed

Package details

Summary: Getopt processing with both long and short options

This module is obsolete.

This package was my response to the standard modules Getopt::Std and
Getopt::Long. 'Std' doesn't support long options, and 'Long' didn't support
short options. I wanted both, since long options are easier to remember and
short options are faster to type.

However, some time ago Getopt::Long was changed to support short options as
well, and it has the huge advantage of being part of the standard Perl
distribution. So, Getopt::Mixed is now effectively obsolete. I don't intend
to make any more changes, but I'm leaving it available for people who have
code that already uses it. For new modules, I recommend using Getopt::Long
like this:

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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