Package : perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-NoAutomatedTesting

Package details

Summary: Avoid running under CPAN Testers

CPAN Testers are great and do a worthy and thankless job, testing all the
distributions uploaded to CPAN. But sometimes we don't want a distribution
to be tested by these gallant individuals.

Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NoAutomatedTesting is a Dist::Zilla plugin
that mangles 'Makefile.PL' to detect that it is being run by a CPAN Tester
and 'exit 0' if it is.

As this plugin mangles the 'Makefile.PL' it is imperative that it is
specified in 'dist.ini' AFTER '[MakeMaker]'.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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