Package : perl-Data-Morph

Package details

Summary: Provides a Data::Morph backend for talking to objects

Data::Morph is a module that provides a solution for translating data from
one source to another via maps and backends. It is written such that data
can be shifted both directions. The the /SYNOPSIS manpage demonstrates a
somewhat trivial example of using the the Data::Morph::Backend::Object
manpage and the Data::Morph::Backend::Raw manpage that round trips the
defaults out the Foo class to a hash and back again. Not shown is the other
shipped backend the Data::Morph::Backend::DBIC manpage which operates on
the DBIx::Class::Row manpage objects. If a more specialized backend is
needed take a look at consuming the Data::Morph::Role::Backend manpage.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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