Package : perl-DBIx-Inline

Package details

Summary: Methods for searching and altering tables

This module is yet another interface to DBI. I like how the DBIx::Class
manpage works, separating the results from the resultsets, the resultsets
from the results and the schema from everything else. It's tidy, easy to
follow and works a treat. I also like how you can "reuse" queries in
resultsets and results without typing them out again and again. However,
when I wanted to work on a small project I found DBIx::Class a little slow
and didn't want to keep setting up the classes for it to work. DBIx::Inline
attempts follow the way DBIx::Class does things, but more "inline". You
still get the reusable queries, Results and ResultSets, but without all the
classes to setup. You do lose a lot of functionality that you get with
DBIx::Class, but that's not what DBIx::Inline is really about. I wanted it
to be faster and not hold your hand with everything, yet still be easy
enough to use. It's still possible to have accessors and Result/ResulSet
methods, but they are created on-the-fly with *method*. Also, you can
automatically create all accessors for a result using *load_accessors*.
DBIx::Inline is great for small projects that do not require a lot of
customisation, but for anything else I'd highly recommend *DBIx::Class*.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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