Package : perl-Continuity

Package details

Summary: Mix callbacks into the Continuity request object

Continuity is a library to simplify web applications. Each session is
written and runs as a persistent application, and is able to request
additional input at any time without exiting. This is significantly
different from the traditional CGI model of web applications in which a
program is restarted for each new request.

The program is passed a '$request' variable which holds the request
(including any form data) sent from the browser. In concept, this is a lot
like a '$cgi' object from with one very very significant difference.
At any point in the code you can call $request->next. Your program will
then suspend, waiting for the next request in the session. Since the
program doesn't actually halt, all state is preserved, including lexicals
-- getting input from the browser is then similar to doing '$line = <>' in
a command-line application.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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