Package : kde4-style-crystal

Package details

Summary: Crystal kwin decoration theme to KDE 4.x

This is the port of the famous Crystal kwin decoration theme to KDE 4.x.

Main features:
* Uses compositing features of KDE4 for transparency with ability to use
the blur plugin
* Supports grouping/tabbing of windows
* Ability to choose the blending colors of buttons as well as title bar
and border size
* Right click on minimize button toggles shade mode
* Middle click on minimize button sends window to below
* Double click on program symbol closes window
* Support for button themes. Basic button theme is included, feel free to
swamp me with cool themes
* Can show a tooltip for the caption
* Right click on close button can run kdocker, if installed, to minimize
the application to the system tray

License: GPLv2+

Maintainer: nobody

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