Package : twixer

Package details

Summary: Is an command line client for Twitter service

Twixer is an advanced command line client for the popular
Twitter service. Now with support for
It features all basic functionality plus new stuff like checking if
a referenced twitter screen name actually exists, automatically
correcting typos in your friend's screen names, suggestion people
to follow analyzing your friend's network of friends among
other tricks.
NOTE: Twixer is in it's early stages. I can't do most of the
mentioned tricks yet but they're coming pretty soon.
For now it works with a feature set similar to most twitter clients
and can be an interesting alternative to twerp or other
command line-based clients.
Create a hidden file in your $HOME called .twixerc with just this three lines:
username = your user name
password = your password
server = base URL for API server
Examples of the server configuration parameter, which is optional, are:
server =
server =
- You're ready to go!

License: GPLv2+

Maintainer: nobody

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