
Filter by package name:
  • joe : An easy to use text editor, supporting syntax highlight and UTF-8
  • jogl : Java bindings for the OpenGL API
  • jogl2 : Java bindings for the OpenGL API
  • john : John the Ripper password cracker
  • johnzon : Implementation of JSR-353
  • jomolhari-fonts : Jomolhari a Bhutanese style font for Tibetan and Dzongkha
  • joni : Java port of Oniguruma regexp library
  • jopt-simple : A Java command line parser
  • jorbis : Pure Java Ogg Vorbis Decoder
  • jortho : A spell checker for Java
  • josm : An editor for OpenStreetMap (OSM)
  • josql : Library to apply SQL-like syntax to Java objects
  • journal-triggerd : A daemon that runs in the background, listening to systemd's journal
  • jovie : Subsystem within the KDE desktop for conversion of text to audible speech
  • joy2key : Translate joystick events into keyboard events
  • jp2a : Converts JPG and PNG images to ASCII
  • jpathwatch : Java library for monitoring directories for changes
  • jpegoptim : Utility to optimize JPEG image files
  • jpilot : Palm Pilot desktop for Linux
  • jq : Command-line JSON processor
  • jquery : JavaScript DOM manipulation, event handling, and AJAX library
  • jra : Java REST Annotations
  • jredis : Java Client and Connectors for Redis
  • jreen : Qt XMPP library
  • jrexx : Automaton based regluar expression API for Java
  • jrosetta : A common base to build a graphical console
  • jruby : Pure Java implementation of the Ruby interpreter
  • js : SpiderMonkey, the Mozilla JavaScript engine
  • js-CodeMirror : In-browser code editor
  • js-jquery1 : JavaScript DOM manipulation, event handling, and AJAX library
  • js-sizzle : A pure-JavaScript CSS selector engine
  • js-yui2 : Yahoo User Interface JavaScript library
  • jsch : Pure Java implementation of SSH2
  • jsch-agent-proxy : Proxy to ssh-agent and Pageant in Java
  • jsemver : A Java implementation of the Semantic Versioning Specification
  • jsilver : A pure-Java implementation of Clearsilver
  • jsl : Check JavaScript code for common mistakes
  • json-c : JSON implementation in C
  • json-glib : Library for JavaScript Object Notation format
  • json-lib : JSON library for Java
  • json-path : Java JsonPath implementation
  • json-smart : A small and very fast json parser/generator for java
  • jsoncpp : C++ JSON Library
  • jsonic : Simple JSON encoder/decoder for Java
  • jsonp : JSR 353 (JSON Processing) RI
  • json_simple : Simple Java toolkit for JSON
  • jsoup : Java library for working with real-world HTML
  • jspc : Compile JSPs under Maven
  • jspecview : JAVA applets for the display of JCAMP-DX and AnIML/CML spectral files
  • jspeex : Java Implementation of Speex
3201-3250 of 13816.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.