
Filter by package name:
  • inchi : The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier
  • incidenceeditor : This lib provides incidence editor
  • incron : An inotify based cron daemon
  • indent : A GNU program for formatting C code
  • indexhtml : Mageia html welcome page
  • indicator-application : Displays application menus on panel
  • indicator-appmenu : An indicator to host the menus from an application
  • indilib : Library to control astronomical devices
  • indy_mock : A set of mock classes to mimic the invokedynamic APIs in Java 7
  • infinispan : Data grid platform
  • inform6-compiler : Inform 6 interactive fiction language — compiler
  • inform6-library : Inform 6 interactive fiction language — library
  • iniparser : C library for parsing "INI-style" files
  • initscripts : Basic support for legacy System V init scripts
  • inkscape : A vector-based drawing program using SVG
  • inn : The InterNetNews (INN) system, a Usenet news server
  • innoextract : A tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup
  • innotop : A MySQL and InnoDB monitor program
  • inotify-tools : Simple interface to inotify
  • intel-gpu-tools : Tools for debugging the Intel graphics driver
  • intltool : Scripts and assorted auto* magic for i18nalizing various kinds of data files
  • invictus-firewall : Invictus Firewall
  • invokebinder : A Java DSL for binding method handles forward, rather than backward
  • inxi : Command line system information script for console and IRC
  • iodine : Solution to tunnel IPv4 data through a DNS server
  • ioquake3 : Quake 3 Arena engine (ioquake3 version)
  • iotop : Display I/O usage of processes in a top like UI
  • iozone3 : Filesystem benchmark tool
  • ip-sentinel : A network ip guardian
  • iperf : A TCP, UDP, and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tool
  • iplog : Logs TCP, UDP, and ICMP connections to syslog
  • ipmitool : Utility for interfacing with IPMI devices
  • ippool : An IP address pool manager
  • iproute2 : Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools
  • ipsec-tools : Tools for configuring and using IPSEC
  • ipset : Tools for managing sets of IP or ports with iptables
  • iptables : Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering capabilities
  • iptraf-ng : TCP/IP Network Monitor
  • ipt_NETFLOW : DKMS-ready module for ipt_netflow, an iptables modules
  • iputils : Network monitoring tools including ping
  • ipvsadm : Administration tool for Linux Virtual Server
  • ipw2100-firmware : Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 firmware
  • ipw2200-firmware : Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG firmware
  • ipxe : A network boot loader
  • ipxping : The ipxping utility
  • ipyparallel : Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython (tools)
  • ipython : An interactive computing environment for Python
  • iraf : Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
  • ircclient-qt : A cross-platform IRC client library written with Qt 4
  • ircd-hybrid : Internet Relay Chat Server
2851-2900 of 13816.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.