Packages/Applications (Development/Java)

Filter by package name:
  • xml-commons-apis : APIs for DOM, SAX, and JAXP
  • xml-commons-resolver : Resolver subproject of xml-commons
  • xml-maven-plugin : Maven XML Plugin
  • xml-security : Implementation of W3C security standards for XML
  • xml-stylebook : Apache XML Stylebook
  • xmlbeans : XML-Java binding tool
  • xmlenc : Light-weight XML output library for Java
  • xmlgraphics-commons : XML Graphics Commons
  • xmlrpc : Java XML-RPC implementation
  • XmlSchema : Lightweight schema object model
  • xmlstreambuffer : Stream Based Representation for XML Infoset
  • xmltool : Tool to manage XML documents through a Fluent Interface
  • xmlunit : Provides classes to do asserts on xml
  • xmpcore : Java XMP Library
  • xmvn : Local Extensions for Apache Maven
  • xnio : JBoss XNIO
  • xom : XML Object Model
  • xpp2 : XML Pull Parser
  • xpp3 : XML Pull Parser
  • xqjapi : JSR 225: XQuery API for Java™ (XQJ)
  • xsddoc : Documentation tool for W3C XML Schema
  • xsom : XML Schema Object Model (XSOM)
  • xstream : Java XML serialization library
  • xt-dash1 : A fast, free implementation of XSLT in Java
  • xz-java : Java implementation of XZ data compression
  • yecht : A YAML processor based on Syck
  • yuicompressor : YUI Compressor - The Yahoo JavaScript and CSS Compressor
  • yydebug : Supports tracing and animation for a Java-based parser generated by jay
  • zemberek : Turkish spell checker library
  • znerd-oss-parent : OSS Parent
951-980 of 980.

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