
Filter by package name:
  • wmsmixer : A dock application that is another small sound mixer
  • wmsmpmon : Another dock application to monitor multi-core systems
  • wmstock : A dock application which displays stock quote data
  • wmsysmon : Another dock application to monitor your computer
  • wmwebcam : A dock application for your webcam
  • wmwifi : A dock application to monitor your wifi network interfaces
  • wordnet : A lexical database for the English language
  • worker : A file manager for X in AMIGA style
  • workrave : Assists in recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
  • worldofpadman : World Of Padman - Comic 3D-Shooter
  • wxcam : Webcam application
  • wxmaxima : An interface for the computer algebra system Maxima
  • wxPython : Cross platform GUI toolkit for Python using wxGTK
  • x11vnc : VNC server for the current X11 session
  • x2goclient : A Qt5 client for the x2go system
  • x2goserver : The server-side core of X2go
  • x3270 : An X Window System based IBM 3278/3279 terminal emulator
  • xaos : A real-time fractal zoomer
  • xarchiver : A lightweight archiving/compression tool
  • xawtv : X11 program for watching TV
  • xbill : Defend your computers from Wingdows Viruses
  • xbmc : XBMC Media Center - media player and home entertainment system
  • xboard : An X Window System graphical chessboard
  • xca : GUI for handling X509 certificates, RSA keys and PKCS#10 requests
  • xcave : A wine cellar manager
  • xchat : A GTK+ IRC client
  • xchat-gnome : Graphical IRC client for the GNOME desktop
  • xchm : Summary CHM viewer for UNIX
  • xcpustate : An X Window System based CPU state monitor
  • xdvik : An X viewer for DVI files
  • xemacs : Highly customizable text editor and application development system
  • xfbib : A lightweight BibTeX editor developed for the Xfce desktop environment
  • xfburn : A simple CD burning tool for the Xfce Desktop Environment
  • xfce4-appfinder : Find every application in the system
  • xfce4-clipman-plugin : Clipboard history plugin for the Xfce panel
  • xfce4-dict : A dictionary support for Xfce
  • xfce4-mixer : Volume control for the Xfce
  • xfce4-notes-plugin : Notes plugin for the Xfce panel
  • xfce4-notifyd : Notification daemon for Xfce desktop environment
  • xfce4-panel : A Xfce panel
  • xfce4-power-manager : A power manager for Xfce
  • xfce4-screenshooter : Screen capture tool for Xfce
  • xfce4-sensors-plugin : Sensor plugin for the Xfce panel
  • xfce4-session : Xfce Session Manager
  • xfce4-settings : Configuration settings manager for Xfce
  • xfce4-taskmanager : A small taskmanager for Xfce desktop environment
  • xfce4-terminal : X terminal emulator for Xfce desktop environment
  • xfdesktop : Desktop manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment
  • xfe : X File Explorer File Manager
  • xfig : An X Window System tool for drawing basic vector graphics
1301-1350 of 1396.

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