Packages/Applications (Text tools)

Filter by package name:
  • mythes-it : Italian thesaurus
  • mythes-lb : Luxembourgish thesaurus
  • mythes-lv : Latvian mythes dictionaries
  • mythes-mi : Maori thesaurus
  • mythes-ne : Nepali thesaurus
  • mythes-nl : Dutch thesaurus
  • mythes-no : Norwegian mythes dictionaries
  • mythes-pl : Polish thesaurus
  • mythes-pt : Portuguese thesaurus
  • mythes-ro : Romanian thesaurus
  • mythes-ru : Russian thesaurus
  • mythes-sk : Slovak thesaurus
  • mythes-sl : Slovenian thesaurus
  • mythes-sv : Swedish thesaurus
  • mythes-uk : Ukrainian thesaurus
  • odt2txt : A simple (and stupid) converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text
  • omegat : OmegaTĀ® - multiplatform CAT tool
  • patch : The GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading files
  • patchutils : Patches utilities
  • pcsc-tools : PCSC tools useful for a PC/SC user
  • perl-Text-Reform : Manual text wrapping and reformatting
  • perltidy : Script which indents and reformats Perl code
  • pwgen : Password generator
  • qlipper : Lightweight clipboard history
  • recode : Utility for converting between character sets
  • regexxer : Interactive search and replace tool
  • repoctl : Repository control tool
  • rlwrap : Readline wrapper
  • sed : A GNU stream text editor
  • stardict : International dictionary written for GNOME
  • susepaste : Simple script for using openSUSE paste easily
  • taskwarrior : A command-line to do list manager
  • tidy : Program for tidying up messy HTML
  • tidyp : Program for tidying up messy HTML
  • toilet : Powerful figlet replacement
  • txt2man : Converts flat ASCII text to man page format
  • unac : A command that removes accents
  • unrtf : RTF to other formats converter
  • verbiste : French conjugation system
  • voikko-fi : Description of Finnish morphology written in Malaga
  • wdiff : Word-based diff front end
  • words : A dictionary of English words for the /usr/dict directory
  • xclip : A command line interface to the X11 clipboard
  • xmlstarlet : Command Line XML Toolkit
  • yodl : Yet oneOther Document Language
  • zaf : South Africa hyphenation rules
101-146 of 146.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.