Packages/Applications (Development/Other)

Filter by package name:
  • prototype : JavaScript framework
  • pv : Monitor the progress of data through a pipe
  • python-flit-core : PEP 517 build backend for packages using Flit
  • qrupdate : Fortran library for fast updates of QR/Cholesky decompositions
  • qtermwidget : Qt terminal widget
  • qtilitools : Scripts/commands used in the Qtilities organization
  • quilt : Scripts for working with series of patches
  • rabbitmq-server : The RabbitMQ server
  • racket : Racket is a Scheme implementation
  • ragel : Finite state machine compiler
  • raptor : Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
  • raptor2 : Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
  • re2c : A tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions
  • redland : Redland RDF Application Framework
  • restic : Fast, secure, efficient backup program
  • rocm-cmake : ROCm CMake Modules
  • rocm-core : AMD ROCm version files
  • rocm-llvm : Various AMD ROCm-LLVM related packages
  • rply : A library to read and write PLY files
  • rpmdevtools : RPM Development Tools
  • rpmlint : RPM correctness checker
  • rpmlint-mageia-policy : Rpmlint policy for Mageia
  • rpmmon : Helps you build better RPMs
  • rt-tests : Programs that test various rt-features
  • rust : The Rust Programming Language
  • rust-addr2line : Cross-platform symbolication library written in Rust, using `gimli`
  • rust-adler : Simple clean-room implementation of the Adler-32 checksum
  • rust-adler32 : Minimal Adler32 implementation for Rust
  • rust-aes : Pure Rust implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard
  • rust-ahash : Non-cryptographic hash function using AES-NI for high performance
  • rust-ahash0.4 : Non-cryptographic hash function using AES-NI for high performance
  • rust-ahash0.7 : Non-cryptographic hash function using AES-NI for high performance
  • rust-aho-corasick : Fast multiple substring searching
  • rust-aho-corasick0.7 : Fast multiple substring searching
  • rust-aliasable : Basic aliasable (non unique pointer) types
  • rust-allocator-api2 : Mirror of Rust's allocator API
  • rust-anes : ANSI Escape Sequences provider & parser
  • rust-annotate-snippets : Library for building code annotations
  • rust-ansi_term : Library for ANSI terminal colours and styles (bold, underline)
  • rust-ansi_term0.11 : Library for ANSI terminal colours and styles (bold, underline)
  • rust-anstream : Simple cross platform library for writing colored text to a terminal
  • rust-anstyle : ANSI text styling
  • rust-anstyle-parse : Parse ANSI Style Escapes
  • rust-anstyle-query : Look up colored console capabilities
  • rust-anyhow : Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::Error
  • rust-approx : Approximate floating point equality comparisons and assertions
  • rust-arbitrary : Trait for generating structured data from unstructured data
  • rust-arc-swap : Atomically swappable Arc
  • rust-arrayvec : Vector with fixed capacity, backed by an array
  • rust-arrayvec0.5 : Vector with fixed capacity, backed by an array
1301-1350 of 2350.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.