
Filter by package name:
  • zinnia : Online handwriting recognition system with machine learning
  • zinnia-tomoe : Zinnia Recognition models
  • zint : Barcode generator
  • zip : A file compression and packaging utility compatible with PKZIP
  • zipios : C++ library for reading and writing Zip files
  • ziproxy : A http compression and optimizer, non-caching, fully configurable proxy
  • ziptool : Tools for Iomega JAZ and ZIP drives
  • zita-alsa-pcmi : Provides easy access to ALSA PCM devices
  • zita-convolver : Convolution engine library
  • zita-resampler : Fast, high-quality sample rate conversion library
  • zlib : The zlib compression and decompression library
  • zmusic : GZDoom's music system as a standalone library
  • znc : An IRC bouncer with many advanced features
  • zoem : Zoem is an interpretive macro/programming language
  • zoneminder : Video Camera and CCTV Security with Motion Detection
  • zoom : Z-Machine: it plays text adventure games written in ZCode
  • zopfli : zlib compatible compressor
  • zramstart : Sets up zram swap devices on boot
  • zrtpcpp : ZRTP support library for the GNU ccRTP stack
  • zrythm : A highly automated, intuitive, Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • zsh : A shell with lots of features
  • zsnes : Nintendo Super NES / Super Famicom Emulator
  • zstd : Zstd compression library
  • zsync : An rsync like transfer software over http
  • zukitwo : Themes for GTK+2, GTK+3, Metacity, GNOME Shell and Xfwm4
  • zulucrypt : Qt GUI front end to cryptsetup
  • zvbi : Raw VBI, Teletext and Closed Caption decoding library
  • zvvonlinetv : IPTV player and watch online TV streams
  • zxcvbn-c : C/C++ version of the zxcvbn password strength estimator
  • zxing-cpp : C++ port of the ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library
  • zynaddsubfx : Real-time MIDI software synthesizer
  • zypper : Command line package manager
  • zziplib : ZZipLib - libZ-based ZIP-access Library
  • zzzt : Photo-voltaic Inverter Monitor
15351-15384 of 15384.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.