Packages/Applications (System/Libraries)

Filter by package name:
  • lrmi : Library for calling real mode BIOS routines under Linux
  • ltc : Linear (or Longitudinal) Time-code is an encoding of SMPTE time-code data
  • lv2 : Audio Plugin Standard
  • lxqt-build-tools : Various packaging tools and scripts for LXQt applications
  • lzmalib : A thin wrapper library of LZMA
  • mad : High-quality MPEG Audio Decoder
  • maliit-framework : Input method framework
  • man-db : Tools for searching and reading man pages
  • mate-menus : MATE menu library
  • mate-polkit : PolicyKit integration for the MATE desktop
  • matio : MAT File I/O Library
  • mbedtls : Light-weight cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
  • mcal : Modular Calendar Access Library
  • mcs : Modular Config System
  • meanwhile : Lotus Sametime Community Client library
  • memphis : Map rendering application and library
  • mesa : OpenGL 4.6 compatible 3D graphics library
  • metakit : Embeddable database
  • mhash : Thread-safe hash library
  • ming : An SWF output library
  • mingw-mpfr : MinGW C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
  • miniupnpc : Library and tool to control NAT in UPnP-enabled routers
  • mocha : A simple, flexible, fun test framework for Node.js
  • mono-zeroconf : Cross platform Zero Configuration Networking library
  • motif : The Motif widget toolkit and window manager
  • movit : GPU effects library using OpenGL3
  • mozldap : Mozilla LDAP C SDK
  • mpfr : Multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding
  • mpfrcx : Arithmetic of univariate polynomials over arbitrary precision real (Mpfr) or complex (Mpc) numbers
  • msgpack : Binary-based efficient object serialization library
  • mtdev : Kernel multi-touch transformation library
  • muparser : A fast math parser library
  • mxml : Miniature XML development library
  • mysql-connector-c++ : A MySQL database connector for C++
  • mysql-connector-odbc : ODBC driver for MySQL
  • ncurses : A CRT screen handling and optimization package
  • ndesk-dbus : Managed D-Bus implementation
  • ndesk-dbus-glib : Managed D-Bus implementation - GLib integration
  • net6 : A library to ease the development of network-based applications
  • nettle : Nettle cryptographic library
  • newt : A development library for text mode user interfaces
  • nghttp2 : Experimental HTTP/2 client, server and proxy
  • nlog : Logging library for Mono
  • nodejs-ansi-styles : ANSI escape codes for colorizing strings in the terminal
  • nodejs-argparse : A native port of Python's argparse, an options parsing library
  • nodejs-asap : High-priority task queue for Node.js and browser
  • nodejs-assertion-error : Error constructor for test and validation frameworks
  • nodejs-buffer-equal : Returns whether two buffers are equal
  • nodejs-bunker : Code coverage in native JavaScript
  • nodejs-burrito : Wrap up expressions with a trace function while walking the AST
701-750 of 1070.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.