Packages/Applications (Development/Java)

Filter by package name:
  • swingx : A collection of Swing components
  • tagsoup : A SAX-compliant HTML parser written in Java
  • tanukiwrapper : Java Service Wrapper
  • testng : Java-based testing framework
  • TGAImagePlugin : ImageIO TGA plugin
  • tggraphlayout : The layout library of the Touchgraph project
  • theora-java : A Java wrapper around theora, using JNA
  • thrift : Software framework for cross-language services development
  • tiger-types : Type arithmetic library for Java5
  • tika : A content analysis toolkit
  • tiles : Java templating framework for web application user interfaces
  • tiles-master : Apache Tiles (Master POM)
  • tlddoc : Tag Library Documentation Generator
  • tomcat : Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 6.0/JSP 3.1 API
  • tomcat-native : Tomcat native library
  • trilead-ssh2 : SSH-2 protocol implementation in pure Java
  • tritonus : Tritonus - A implementation of the Java Sound API
  • tuscany-parent : Apache Tuscany Project Parent
  • tuscany-sdo-java : Service Data Objects 2.1 Java API spec
  • txw2 : Typed XML writer for Java
  • tycho : Plugins and extensions for building Eclipse plugins and OSGI bundles with Maven
  • tycho-extras : Additional plugins for Tycho
  • umlgraph : Automated Drawing of UML Diagrams
  • vecmath : The 3D vector math Java package, javax.vecmath
  • velocity : Java-based template engine
  • velocity-tools : Collection of useful tools for Velocity template engine
  • visualvm : Lightweight profiler that integrates many command-line JDK tools
  • vizant : Ant task to visualize buildfile
  • vldocking : A Java ™ docking system for JFC Swing applications
  • wagon-maven-plugin : Maven Wagon plugin
  • weld-api : Weld API
  • weld-core : Reference Implementation for JSR-299: Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI)
  • weld-license : Weld License Bundle
  • weld-parent : Parent POM for Weld
  • werken-xpath : XPath implementation using JDOM
  • woden : Web Service Description Language (WSDL) validating parser
  • woodstox-core : High-performance XML processor
  • ws-commons-util : Common utilities from the Apache Web Services Project
  • ws-jaxme : Open source implementation of JAXB
  • ws-xmlschema : Apache XMLSchema
  • wsdl4j : Web Services Description Language Toolkit for Java
  • wss4j : Apache WS-Security implementation
  • xalan-j2 : Java XSLT processor
  • xapool : Open source XA JDBC Pool
  • xbean : Java plugin based web server
  • xenserverjava : Java SDK for XenServer
  • xerces-j2 : Java XML parser
  • xercesjarv : JARV Driver for Xerces-2 XML Schema Validator
  • xinclude-task : Ant XInclude task
  • xincluder : Java class library that provides XInclude processing for existing XML APIs
901-950 of 980.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.