
Filter by package name:
  • clutter : Software library for fast, visually rich GUIs
  • clutter-gesture : Gesture Library for Clutter
  • clutter-gst : GST video texture actor and audio player object for Clutter
  • clutter-gtk : GTK Support for Clutter
  • clutter-imcontext : IMContext Framework Library for Clutter
  • clutter-sharp : C#/.NET bindings to Clutter
  • cm : Ring class fields of imaginary quadratic number fields and of elliptic curves
  • cmake : Cross-platform, open-source make system
  • cmsuper : The CM-Super font set
  • cmus : A powerful ncurses-based music player
  • cnetworkmanager : Command-line client for NetworkManager
  • coban : Software for Electricians
  • cobertura : Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests
  • codeblocks : A C++ IDE
  • codehaus-parent : Parent pom file for codehaus projects
  • codelite : A powerful open-source, cross platform C/C++/PHP IDE
  • codemodel : Java library for code generators
  • codenarc : Groovy library that provides static analysis features for Groovy code
  • cogl : A library for using 3D graphics hardware to draw pretty pictures
  • coin : Implementation of the Open Inventor API
  • cojen : Cojen - Java bytecode generator
  • colamd : Routines for computing column approximate minimum degree ordering
  • colibri : Alternative notifications for KDE4
  • colord : Color daemon
  • colordiff : Wrapper for diff that produces output with syntax highlighting
  • colorer-take5 : Syntax highlighting and text parsing library
  • colorgcc : GCC output colorizer
  • colorize : Colorized output from tail
  • colorprompt : Make the user prompt in bash different colors depending on your user
  • colorsvn : Colorizer for subversion, based on colorgcc and colorcvs
  • colt : Open Source Libraries for High Performance Scientific and Technical Computing in Java
  • comex : Console interface for comex project
  • comex-base : Base component for comex project
  • comex-gtk : GTK user interface for comex project
  • comex-qt : QT user interface for comex project
  • comgt : GPRS/EDGE/3G/HSDPA datacard control tool
  • comix : Comic book viewer
  • common-licenses : Contains the various common licenses used by the distribution
  • commoncpp : A GNU package for creating portable C++ programs
  • commons-chain : Apache Commons Chain
  • compface : Image from/to X-Face conversion utilities
  • compiz : OpenGL composite manager for Xgl and AIGLX
  • compiz-fusion-icon : Simple tray icon for compiz
  • compiz-plugins-extra : Compiz Extra Plugin Set for compiz
  • compiz-plugins-main : Compiz Main Plugin Set for compiz
  • compizconfig-python : Python bindings for libcompizconfig
  • compositing-wm-common : Common tools for compositing window managers
  • compress-lzf : Basic LZF codec, compatible with standard C LZF package
  • concordance : Command-line Logitech Harmony remote programmer
  • concurrent : Utility classes for concurrent Java programming
651-700 of 10065.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.