
Filter by package name:
  • engauge-digitizer-samples : Sample files for engauge-digitizer
  • engrampa : An archive manager for MATE Desktop
  • enjoy : Music player written using Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
  • enki : Advanced text editor for programmers
  • enlightenment-devel : Enlightenment library headers and development libraries
  • enscript : Converts plain ASCII to PostScript
  • entangle : Tethered Camera Control & Capture
  • entr : Run arbitrary commands when files change
  • enzo : An adaptive mesh refinement code for astrophysical calculations
  • eog : The Eye of GNOME image viewer
  • eog-devel : C headers needed to build EOG plugins
  • eog-plugins : Plugins for the Eye of GNOME image viewer
  • eom : Eye of MATE image viewer
  • eom-devel : C headers needed to build EOM plugins
  • epgsearch-devel : Development headers of epgsearch VDR plugin
  • ephoto : Enlightenment photo manager
  • epic5 : (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient
  • epiphany : GNOME web browser based on the webkit rendering engine
  • epix : Utilities for creating mathematically accurate figures
  • epix-bash-completion : Bash completion support for epix
  • Epoll : A web voting application
  • epour : Enlightened torrent client
  • epsoneplijs : Ghostscript IJS Plugin for the Epson EPL-5700L/5800L/5900L/6100L/6200L printers
  • epstool : A utility to create or extract preview images in EPS files
  • erebus : Open-source real-time RPG with multiple quests and random dungeons
  • eric6 : A Python 3 IDE
  • erlang : General-purpose programming language and runtime environment
  • erlang-asn1 : Provides support for Abstract Syntax Notation One
  • erlang-base64url : URL safe base64-compatible codec
  • erlang-basho_stats : Basic Erlang statistics library
  • erlang-bbmustache : Binary pattern match-based Mustache template engine for Erlang
  • erlang-bear : A set of statistics functions for erlang
  • erlang-cache_tab : Erlang cache table application
  • erlang-certifi : Dummy certifi (certificate bundle) package for erlang
  • erlang-cf : Terminal color helper
  • erlang-common_test : A portable framework for automatic testing
  • erlang-compiler : A byte code compiler for Erlang which produces highly compact code
  • erlang-crypto : Cryptographical support
  • erlang-cth_readable : Common test hooks for more readable erlang logs
  • erlang-cuttlefish : A library for dealing with sysctl-like configuration syntax
  • erlang-debugger : A debugger for debugging and testing of Erlang programs
  • erlang-dialyzer : A DIscrepancy AnaLYZer for ERlang programs
  • erlang-diameter : Diameter (RFC 3588) library
  • erlang-edoc : A utility used to generate documentation out of tags in source files
  • erlang-edown : EDoc extension for generating Github-flavored Markdown
  • erlang-eflame : Flame Graph profiler for Erlang
  • erlang-eimp : Erlang Image Manipulation Process
  • erlang-eldap : Erlang LDAP library
  • erlang-epam : Library for ejabberd for PAM authentication support
  • erlang-erlsyslog : Syslog facility for Erlang
2051-2100 of 27998.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.