Packages/Applications (Development/Other)

Filter by package name:
  • golang-x-tools-goyacc : Goyacc is a version of yacc for Go
  • golang-x-tools-guru : Tool for answering questions about Go source code
  • golang-x-tools-present : Display slide presentations and articles
  • golang-x-tools-splitdwarf : Uncompress and copy the DWARF segment of a Mach-O executable into the "dSYM" file
  • golang-x-tools-ssadump : Tool for displaying and interpreting the SSA form of Go programs
  • golang-x-tools-stress : Tool for catching sporadic failures
  • golang-x-tools-stringer : Tool to automate creating methods satisfying the fmt.Stringer interface
  • golang-x-tools-toolstash : Provides a way to save, run, and restore a known good copy of the Go toolchain
  • golang-x-xerrors-devel : Transition packages for the new Go 1.13 error values
  • golist : A tool to analyse the properties of a Go (Golang) codebase
  • google-go-fonts : A humanistic technical sans-serif font family
  • google-go-mono-fonts : A humanistic slab-serif mono-space programming font family
  • google-go-smallcaps-fonts : The small capitals variant of the Go font family
  • gox : Simple Go Cross Compilation
  • gox-devel : Simple Go Cross Compilation
  • gperf : A perfect hash function generator
  • gprolog : GNU Prolog is a free implementation of Prolog
  • gpsim : A software simulator for Microchip PIC micro-controllers
  • gputils : A collection of tools for the Microchip (TM) PIC micro-controllers
  • grace-devel : Library and header files for Grace-linked apps development
  • gracket : Racket graphical Scheme implementation
  • grail : Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library
  • grfcodec : A suite of programs to modify Transport Tycoon Deluxe's GRF files
  • gspell-i18n : A flexible API to implement spell checking in a GTK+ application
  • gssdp : Implements resource discovery and announcement over SSDP
  • gtk-sharp-beans : Extra Gtk# bindings
  • gtk-sharp-beans-devel : Extra Gtk# bindings
  • gudev-sharp-devel : Development files for gudev-sharp
  • guile1.8 : GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility
  • guile2.0 : GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility
  • guile3.0 : GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility
  • gupnp-tools : A collection of dev tools utilizing GUPnP and GTK+
  • harbour : Free software Clipper compatible compiler
  • harfbuzz : OpenType text shaping engine
  • help2man : Create simple man pages from --help output
  • htmlcxx : htmlcxx is a simple non-validating css1 and html parser for C++
  • ice-servers : Ice services to run through /etc/rc.d/init.d
  • icon-slicer : Utility for icon theme generation
  • idn2 : Command line interface to the Libidn2 implementation of IDNA2008
  • inform6-compiler : Inform 6 interactive fiction language — compiler
  • inform6-library : Inform 6 interactive fiction language — library
  • itcl : Object oriented extensions to Tcl and Tk
  • itk : Object oriented extensions to Tk
  • iurt : Packages rebuilder
  • iverilog : Icarus Verilog is a Verilog compiler and simulator
  • js : SpiderMonkey, the Mozilla JavaScript engine
  • js-jquery : JavaScript DOM manipulation, event handling, and AJAX library
  • jsl : Check JavaScript code for common mistakes
  • julia : High-level, high-performance dynamic language for technical computing
  • julia-common : Julia architecture-independent files
701-750 of 2174.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.